Finally, after months of sundry forms of parlay, negotiation, emails, phone calls, and more emails, Dan and I started work on the West Beach art installation. Fabrication began at the end of August, right after my apprenticeship in Baltimore, and ever since I've been immersed in all things bronze. The peculiarities of this metal both compel the eye and challenge the brain. When cold, bronze is easy. When forging, however, bronze has a narrow range of "workable" temperatures, and if you get it too hot, it literally burns up. Luckily, we haven't done much forging—just lots of cold-bending on the Hossfeld.
At the end of the day, I smell like bronze. I kind of like it.
Here's some images of the "swimmers" near Los Banos pool. Note the picture of the plan-sheet: the dude looks fairly Soviet in demeanor. Probably just intimations of Communism from the designer. Artists are all Commies, anyway.
1 comment:
he looks more like a crucified christ than a commie, i think.
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